I don't know about you, but I absolutely dread buying bread. In fact, when bread is on my grocery list (yes, I'm 25 & I make a grocery list) I make sure I'm well prepared! No joke people, the bread aisle is not to be taken lightly. I mean there is like an entire wall dedicated to bread alone. Brain teasers like cracked, fiber, whole-grain, wheat,& multi-grain, send my ADD into over-drive. I often feel like I'm in a real life version of "Where's Waldo?" I know the right bread is out there, but finding it is tricky! There has got to be a way to stop this insanity! Let's start with the basics because that is typically how it goes. You don't just pick up a basketball & expect to join the NBA, so how do you expect to waltz into the bread isle without any dance lessons?!
Let me introduce you to the wheat kernel. This whole grain is like meeting someone new. There are layers there that don't just come out for anyone. Let me elaborate...
* When you first meet someone you pretty much get the basics. Nothing too deep. So, I give you Bran. This is the kernel's outer layer of grain. You will find your B-vitamins, trace minerals, & fiber here. More time is being spent together which probably means conversation will go a bit deeper than the weather & what you had for dinner last night. Meet germ, your kernel's middle layer. You will still see the B-vitamins & trace minerals you fell in love with, but he reveals to you a little protein in this layer. Fun surprise! Before you know it you're beginning to get deep, & out of nowhere you hit the comfortable stage. You know what I'm talking about. We all have those people we are just ourselves around. Our filter is off & they know about everything there is to know about us. I'd like to introduce you to the endosperm. This inner part of the kernel contains the protein, carbohydrates, & some vitamins & minerals. It's the whole part of a person that we come to love. This is why white bread just doesn't seem to cut it. White bread is one-dimensional - the rest of it's personality has been stripped away leaving just the endosperm. It's kinda like meeting the most attractive person on earth, & realizing it's more fun to watch paint dry. I rest my case, white bread you do nothing for me so our relationship has got to end.
PERK UP! I know you are devasted about your break-up with white bread, but have I got something for you! I'd like to introduce you to white whole wheat or whole grain white bread. This white bread doppleganger is typically made from an albino type of wheat. White whole wheat flour is just as nutritious as regular whole wheat flour, but just has a milder taste & texture. Go ahead, crank up Usher's "U Remind Me," as you butter your new love, the one and only white whole wheat flour bread.
Aren't the terms "whole grain" &"fiber" like synonyms or something? I'm so glad you asked! Whole grain does not mean fiber. Whole grain can come from any type of grain: oats, wheat, rice, barley, etc....you get the picture. Depending on the bran, germ, & endosperm content of the kernel, the fiber content will vary.
Time to bust out your glasses people because some reading is required. You know that tiny fine print under the nutrition label on your colorful plastic bread package? That's right, I'm asking you to read it. A company has to list its ingredients on the package, it's actually a law. The first ingredient listed is king...meaning it will be the most prevalent in the product. Understand? Good! So to make sure you're getting the top quality product you deserve, it's best to look @ the ingredient list - not just the front of the package. "Whole grain" or "100% whole grain" should be numero uno (that means #1... please take a moment to admire my Spanish) on your list. Whole grain meaning those talked about earlier: oats, wheat, rice, barley, etc. Some additional help when gearing up for battle in the bread isle; wheat flour, unbleached wheat flour,"multi-grain, & enriched are just descriptive ways of saying refined flour. Those tricksters!! Besides the ingredient list you might want to take a gander at the nutrition label right above it. The following tips may help you decipher between the good guy or the imposter.
1. Calories - 100 or fewer per slice.
2. Fiber - 2g or more per slice.
3. Sodium - 225mg or less per slice.
Whew, I must say this involves some extensive training! I have confidence in you though, & feel you are equipped & ready. Whoops, one more thing, in all my exasperation I almost forgot to mention whole grain protects heart health, manages weight, reduces cancer risk, & reduces diabetes risk.. Information noted & loaded...bring on that bread isle!
- The helpful information & advise on what to look for upon purchasing was taken from another dietitian @ sparkpeople.