This blog contains my own opinions & was started because 1. I love to write & 2. I felt it was my duty to the world to share my intelligence (haa, you should be laughing, because that is obviously a joke). Get used to sarcasm, I use it a lot. But in all seriousness, I thought this was a fun way to share information about nutrition/food. While I don't see any Nobel prizes in my future, I would like to think I kinda have an idea of what I'm talking about as it is my degree. With that being said, I do some research to make this blog happen. Since this blog is just for fun more than likely I won't cite every little detail unless I take something word for word. You may pick your jaws up off the floor. I know, I just burst your bubble since I'm almost positive you thought I was a walking genius.
I should also say a special thanks to my awesome mom as she is