Diet Soda & Bigger Pants?
In your humble opinion you have got it goin' on: brains, good looks, good heart, God-fearing, rule abiding citizen. In fact, you are practically one tummy roll away from landing the front cover of 'Men's Health' or 'SHAPE' magazine. In preparation of your rising star status, you turn to diet soft drinks to help you lose those unwanted lb's (aka pounds). So how could it be possible that your accomplice to all things skinny may actually be sabotaging your big break?!
BREAKING NEWS: you may have come across shocking accusations that the risk of obesity may be linked with diet soda. I admit, I too was flabbergasted at the thought! I found it hard to wrap my noggin around the fact that a calorie free drink could cause a 'Winnie the Pooh' like appearance. So naturally, the next step was to go all 'Nancy Drew' on these accusations & get to the bottom of this mystery.
Behind door #1 we have wishful thinking.
"I'll take 2 triple cheeseburgers with mayo & bacon, a super-size fry, large soda & a cherry turnover to go please. CRAP! It's swimsuit season, REWIND...go ahead & add some lettuce & tomato to my burgers & better make it a diet soda, wouldn't want to overdo it!"
The detective in me is gonna point out that maybe diet beverages are not the problem for your need for bigger pants. If that situation sounds all too familiar for you then maybe practicing healthier food choices is the better route to take. In case you were wondering, french fries don't count as a vegetable serving & your cherry turnover would not make it as a fruit serving. I know, it's way more fun to put the blame on something else but I am forced to provide you with a little tough love. Just because you choose diet soft drinks does not mean you can eat whatever else you want.
Behind door #2 we have science.
God was no dummy when he created you. In other words, you may be able to trick your taster, but there is no sweet talking your brain. You see, when you drink a diet beverage your body tastes sweetness & goes looking for calories, but with diet soft drinks there are no calories to be found! The theory is that your body may potentially go looking for those calories in the form of cravings. This may be why some soft drink studies have suggested that soft drinks may stimulate appetite. Studies in rats support this theory.
Behind door #3 we have practicality.
If your regular soft drink intake is comparable to that of a camel's, switching to diet beverages may be helpful in losing some poundage. Fingers crossed, you will eventually forgo carbonation for some thirst quenching water.
Please make sure you understand that diet soda doesn't necessarily CAUSE obesity. Those of us with a carbonated beverage crutch are more than likely not over doing it on fruits, veggies, lean meats, & whole grains. What I concluded is that there are still lots of questions that need answers. Articles also discussed the need for larger control studies. 1-2 glasses a day of diet soft drinks are probably not going to affect you. Once again, it's all about moderation. Case closed.
Get Your Ape On...
I am fully aware that apes, monkeys, baboons, etc. might rarely come to mind as an inspirational image to a svelte physique, but I would encourage you to adapt a part of their diet by adding in a banana to your routine!
I have to admit that after looking up some information on bananas, I felt like I needed to go back to school. Am I the ONLY person who didn't know that a banana does not grow on a tree?! Yeah, I know, my pupils bulged out at the sockets a bit after seeing that tid bit of info. Lucky for me, technicality about banana growth does not come up in my daily conversation with patients very often. WHEW, dodged that bullet. The banana plant is actually the largest perennial herb. The Goliath of herbs to be exact, & a banana is technically a berry. Biggest berry I've ever seen. I sympathize Mr. Banana because I totally know how it feels to tower over your peers!
1. It's fat, cholesterol, & sodium free. The American Heart Association actually classified bananas as heart healthy when combined with a balanced low-fat diet.
2. It's a good source of vitamin B6. YOU care because that lil' guy helps metabolize amino acids (building blocks of protein), fatty acids (building blocks of fat) , & glycogen (main form of carbohydrate storage in our bodies). Yeah, that one hurt my brain a little too.
3. It has vitamin C. Your immune system will thank you.
4. It has fiber. Hello regular bowel movements.
5. Peer Pressure. It's the most popular fruit. According to Chiquita, an average American eats 27 pounds of bananas a year! Yowzers (don't worry, I refrain from saying that word in public)!
The taste & texture of a banana develops as it ripens. If your banana is sporting freckles (& by freckles I mean some small brown spots) it's going to be pretty flavorful! Like a firmer banana? Eat prior to the freckling stage.
It's wedding season, go all out & spring for a few pounds of bananas! No, I'm not off my rocker. According to the Hindu culture, bananas are a symbol of fertility & prosperity & because of this fact they leave bananas on the doorsteps of houses where marriages take place. The ideal gift guaranteed not to be re-gifted or duplicated. Just make sure we aren't going to the same wedding. Walking in with the same gift = embarrassing!!
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