Who didn't love playing Pac-Man?! Seriously, I think it was one of the greatest inventions of the 1980's. For those of you who have no earthly idea of what I'm talking about, Pac-Man was a game where you controlled your Pac-Man through a maze of pac-dots trying to avoid enemies and reach the next level. Along the way you could eat power-pellets and fruit to help aid your cause. I'm only slightly bitter I never made it to the 256th level.
Did you see the pictures above?! My hypothesis is that the pistachio was inspiration for the Pac-Man shape. Chomp on pistachios like Pac-Man chomps on pac-dots and you may be advancing to the next level too! Here's how:
Pistachios may help reduce heart disease risk. Thanks to their fiber content, about 3g per serving to be exact, this is just one of the reasons it can help!You see, fiber helps reduce LDL cholesterol – you know the “bad” cholesterol.
Pistachios are antioxidant rich. This is important to you because it helps protect your cells from damage.
Pistachios may slow down the aging process. I'll take the whole bag, please. Kidding! Downing the whole bag may make you look younger but you won't be able to fit into your wardrobe. Portion control, people! Pistachios contain fat-soluble antioxidants that protect the body from lipid peroxidation. WHOA...big word. Lipid peroxidation is when free radicals "steal" electrons from lipids in your cell membranes (thank you Google for making me look super smart). Since stealing is never good, you can expect that this results in some damage. However, those antioxidants present in pistachios prevent that whole process from happening.
1 serving of pistachios = 1 oz (49 kernels) 170 calories 3g fiber 6g protein
There you have it, gamers. Now go do the 'Pac-Man' and chomp your way to health (in moderation of course). I think I may have just invented the next dance craze?! I'll leave you with this little jingle. Don't worry, I've already written iTunes in hopes this will become available for purchase.