

Flavor Face-Off

RELAX! I am not advertising illicit drug usage in any way, shape, or form. I've got boxing on the brain thanks to this week's Bachelorette (please don't judge my love of reality trash t.v.).  Just what you've been waiting for, nutrition death match. Let's meet our contestants:

In corner 1 we have tenacious, traditional table salt.         

 In corner 2 we have the ever present opponent, sassy sea salt.    

One of the toughest things about nutrition is the contradicting information you receive. Sea salt is marketed as the "healthy" version of salt, but what is sea salt exactly & is it actually healthier?! 
Players touch gloves, go to your corners, & come out fighting!!  

Round 1:
The sodium content of table salt & sea salt are the same gram for gram. Sea salt crystals are larger than table salt crystals. You care about this factoid because 1 teaspoon of sea salt contains more air than 1 teaspoon of table salt leaving you with less sodium so to speak. FUN FACT #90,980: if you grind sea salt to the same consistency as table salt your sodium content will be the same! That's like a jab to the jugular to those "sea salt is healthier" claims. Since Americans' tend to be over zealous, more than likely you are dumping the same amount of sea salt onto your food as you would table salt which breaks down to the same sodium content. Round 1 seems to be a draw.  
Round 2:
Taste differences are due to the processing. Sea salt tends to have a more potent flavor which is supposed to mean you will use less (which would decrease your sodium intake), but many people don't as mentioned in round 1. Round 2: draw (unless you measure your ingredients out, then we would give a point to sea salt). This match is turning out to be quite the nail biter!
Round 3:
Sea salt is an evaporation of sea water, there is less processing, & trace minerals are left behind. Table salt comes from underground salt mines, an additive is added to prevent clumping, & it's processing eliminates trace minerals. Iodine is typically added to table salt which is an essential nutrient that prevents thyroid disease.
Round 4:
The closer (I think we are all OK if I don't drag this out 12 rounds). Sea salt & table salt are made up of the same major ingredients: sodium & chloride. This means that one is not necessarily healthier than the other. The difference actually lies in the taste, texture, & processing. Whether your flavor comes in the form of good ol' table salt or up & coming sea salt, just remember to keep sodium consumption to the recommended 1500mg-2300mg a day (recommendations will vary depending on your age & medical conditions). Increased salt intake can contribute to high blood pressure which is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, & other medical complications. Since most foods have enough salt without any addition, save the extra shakes for the dance floor. J


Eye Candy

Bruno Mar's inspiration for 'Just the Way You Are!?' Go ahead; thank your peepers for allowing you to visualize such a beaut. We have an editing program to thank for this little slice of heaven. True story, my title may have tricked you into thinking you were going to see something way more appealing, but don't be mad, just be happy I didn't enlarge the sucker.

I'm starting a revolution. That's right, you read correctly. From now on whenever you hear the term eye candy the following pictures should pop into your brains: almonds, apricots, broccoli, bRusseL spRouts, canteloupe, carrots, cauliflower, eggs, gRapefRuit, mango, oranges, papaya, peppers, raspberries, spinach, sTRawbeRRies, sunflower seeds, peanuts, potatoes, & tomatoes. Yep, eye candy daydreams will now include VIBRANT colors & healthy food cravings. I feel like a nutrition pioneer paving the way for future generations (I hope my sarcasm font is making it's way to your computer screens).

In all seriousness, the above list of foods are quite the treats for your eyeballs. Vitamins A, C, & E are like the Kennedy's of vision...IMPORTANT. Vitamin A helps prevent night blindness, vitamin C may lower the risk of developing cataracts, & vitamin E is thought to help preserve the cells of your eyes from free radicals. Go ahead, treat yourself to some candy...eye candy that is!



Inspired By the Energizer Bunny

Mornings can be rough, so I can see why you would think it's totally rational to grab an energy drink for a 'road runner' like zap. In fact, at just around 120 empty calories you may think it's just the thing you need.

♫♪ Stop, collaborate, & LISTEN!  No real studies have been done for this invention...♫♪ There you have it, my music writing debut. Any rappers in the need of a lyricist?  I've got rhymes you wouldn't believe. No takers?! Shocker.  While recipes may vary from Red Bull to Rockstar, most energy drinks contain the following team members: ginseng, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, vitamins, & sugar. Bottoms up!

     Player # 1 Ginseng.  Reputation: immune system booster. While low doses seem safe, there is little long-term data to really set our minds at ease.
     Player # 2 Taurine. Reputation: amino acid that causes you to be more alert. Guess what?! Taurine is found in meat & fish.  There is also no scientific evidence that supports increased alertness.
     Player # 3 Glucuronolactone. Reputation: naturally occurring chemical produced by the metabolism of glucose in your liver. That's all I got on this bad boy. Go ahead, stick that in your back pocket & dominate in your next 'Words with Friends' game. You're welcome.
     Player # 4 Caffeine. Reputation: stimulant. Sorry to be the cloud in your blue sky, but if energy drinks are your go to for caffeine you may be going down the wrong path. Yes, typically the actual amount of caffeine you are drinking is not listed on your aluminum bottle of power, but coffee may actually be the way to go.  An article from Science-Based Medicine nicely provided this little comparison:
          A grande coffee @ Starbucks has 320mg of caffeine
                          Red Bull has ~150mg
                          Monster Khaos has ~150mg
                          & Rockstar Punched ~160mg.
The amount of caffeine in most 8 oz energy drinks is less than 1 cup of coffee. You my friend, just got served.
     Player # 5 VitaminsReputation: "it has vitamins so it must be good for me." Please don't fall for this scam because the actual vitamin content that is added to these drinks are small. Sorry Charlie, the word vitamin is kinda meant to trick your brain into thinking this is a healthy option. Good thing you weren't born yesterday.  ENTRAPMENT detected & avoided.
     Player # 6 Sugar. Reputation: sweetness. This, my friends, is what sweetens your drink. Betcha didn't see that one coming. Yes, sugar free versions of energy drinks do exist, but those nonsugarfreeenergydrinks can contain similar amounts of sugar as you would see in pop. YIKES!


All you Red Bull & Vodka drinkers, guess what!? The caffeine in the energy drink is dehydrating - which can slow the metabolism of alcohol - which can make you feel less drunk than you actually are - which can cause you to drink larger amounts of alcohol - which can lead to....well just about anything. This is one situation where "the sky is the limit" approach may want to be avoided.

Energy drinks for your workout?  JUST SAY NO! Like I said, the caffeine acts like a diuretic (big word for 'makes you have to go to the bathroom') which promotes dehydration.  Energy drinks do not = sports drinks. They are actually higher in sugar than a sports drink making them harder to absorb during your workout. This could cause an upset stomach . Unless your looking for reason #1,209,809,580 to avoid the gym, skip this as a pre-workout thirst quencher.

Other noteworthy information: It is recommended that no more than 500mL of energy drinks be consumed each day. That boils down to two 8 oz glasses.

Don't worry, I will refrain from going all Jason Taylor on you if I would happen to see you with a sugar laden beverage in tow that promises a power surge that leaves the energizer bunny looking tired.  Like all foods, moderation is key. So go ahead & guzzle down your bottle of energy if that is what makes you happy.  I prefer sugar from chocolate & energy from a nap. J