

Captain Planet & CauLifLower

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♫♪ Captain Cauli, he's our veggie, gonna help our bodies be battle ready ♫♪

Clearly my dreams of becoming a lyricist need to be reconsidered, but you try coming up with a nutrition related rhyme for the word veggie! :)

Captain Planet and his five-men posse of Planeteers are known for defending the Earth from the greatest of disasters.  Wondering how cauliflower is involved?  Well my friend, cauliflower and his quad posse are here to help defend and protect your body by providing you with the nutrition you need.  Here's how:

 hCalcium   g  providing your skeleton with the strength it needs to withstand time.
       h Fiber g  reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes as well as providing bowel regularity.
       h Iron  g important for all cells.  Its main function is to help distribute oxygen to your red blood cells so they can produce energy.
        hVitamin C  g  helps keep your immune system up and running.  Throw a little cardiovascular protection in there with a dash of collagen formation and a pinch of protection against eye disease.  You now have yourself one well rounded fighter. 

cDID YOU KNOWb:  besides citrus fruits, cauliflower is the next best natural source of vitamin C?!  Cauliflower is also fat free, cholesterol free, very low in sodium, and low calorie. 

WOW factor - Cauliflower can be purchased in color!!! There are purple, orange, and green (aka broccoflower) versions available!  Have no fear, all color variations taste the same.  There is just a little added bonus in nutritional value with the colored counter parts.  Purple contains anthocyanins ( which help protect against free radicals, also found in blueberries), orange has extra beta-carotene (important for vision), and the green version has a tad more vitamin A (plays an important role in vision and bone growth) and vitamin C.  According to one article, the various colors available are attributed to years of selective breeding. 

Purchasing power is in your hands    l avoid brown spots or loose sections.  Refrigerate in a plastic bag for up to 5 days.  Steer clear of over-cooking, it will destroy your cauliflower's vitamin C. 

YOU and these powers combined will have the ability to pick up one tasty treat!  Here's to One Battle Ready body! 


Secret Attacker.

  " PCT news interrupts your programming to bring you this special report.  An invisible attacker is hitting America with victims reaching in the five digits & counting.  While the mysterious marvel hits throughout the year, special investigators are seeing an increase in attacks as we start the new year.  Those following the attacker hypothesize New Year's resolutions involving weight loss, eating healthy, & swearing off all things tasty are to blame for the drastic incline of victims.  Our news reporter has nabbed an interview with the top detective.  Let's go there now...."

     PCT reporter:  "Thanks PCT news, I am here today with Detective Pabulum.  Mr. Pabulum, could you please give us some insight as to who this invisible attacker is, & what exactly do they want with us?!"
     Detective Pabulum: "Certainly!  The goal of this attacker is to de-rail our healthy life style changes.  You see, this perplexing phenomenon Causes Rational Adults to Inhale Non-nutritious Grub at alarming rates.  We've deemed the culprit CRAVING for short.  We know it can attack anyone, at anytime, in any place.  Surveys done have shown 100% of women & 70% of men were victims last year (webmd)A craving attack can lead to binge eating episodes which can lead to obesity & eating disorders."
     PCTR: "Sounds serious! Will you please elaborate on how we become victims?!"
     DP:  "Well this is one very skilled predator.  Instead of taking you down with strength, it takes over your mind.  Hunger doesn't play a role in food cravings.  A food craving combines body, brain, & chemicals to attack.  Actually, the dopamine stimulation & chemical reward you obtain from satisfying a food craving has been compared to drug addiction because both behaviors follow similar neurological pathways ( "
    PCTR: "Well you don't say!  I always thought if I craved food it meant I was lacking in some sort of nutrient?"
     DP:  "Nope, actually scientists have ruled out the myth that cravings are your bodies' way of letting you know what specific nutrient you lack in your diet.  In fact, most food cravings arise to satisfy an emotional need.  You are most likely going to be blindsided by a craving if you are highly stressed or anxious.  Another high stakes result of a food craving is boredom with your diet.  This is why it is extremely important to amp up the flavors in your meals.  This is the reason why so many of us are hit with food cravings at this time of the year.  In order to reach our new resolutions we weed our diet down to the same thing for breakfast, lunch, & dinner.  Doing this is a sure fire way to be on the hit list."
     PCTR:  "So what advice do you recommend to avoid being another number for this ferocious attacker?"
     DP:  "Well, like I mentioned earlier, add variety to your menu! Oatmeal, salads, & chicken are not the only way to reach your goals!  It is all about making sure calories in = calories out.  Most importantly, give into the food craving every once in awhile - just watch your portion size.  Constantly depriving yourself of any sort of treat is setting yourself up for failure. Saying "no" too often will more than likely leave you with a bellyache as you successfully nosh on the entire candy isle.  Lastly, try not to let yourself get too hungry!  Have healthy snacks ready and on hand.  If you're hit by the sweet craving, opt for low fat yogurt with fruit or a piece of dark chocolate.  Salty calling your name?! Try a 100 calorie pack of popcorn or a handful of nuts or pretzels." 
      PCTR:  "Thanks so much detective Pabulum! You certainly saved a few 100 people from falling victim to this ever stalking attacker.  We will certainly be on guard for an attack & hopeful that the tips you provided will help keep us from having to dump the plump yet another year. Back to you PCT news!"  



Pac-Man and Pistachios

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Who didn't love playing Pac-Man?! Seriously, I think it was one of the greatest inventions of the 1980's. For those of you who have no earthly idea of what I'm talking about, Pac-Man was a game where you controlled your Pac-Man through a maze of pac-dots trying to avoid enemies and reach the next level. Along the way you could eat power-pellets and fruit to help aid your cause. I'm only slightly bitter I never made it to the 256th level.

Did you see the pictures above?! My hypothesis is that the pistachio was inspiration for the Pac-Man shape. Chomp on pistachios like Pac-Man chomps on pac-dots and you may be advancing to the next level too! Here's how:

Pistachios may help reduce heart disease risk. Thanks to their fiber content, about 3g per serving to be exact, this is just one of the reasons it can help!  You see, fiber helps reduce LDL cholesterol – you know the “bad” cholesterol. 

  Pistachios are antioxidant rich.  This is important to you because it helps protect your cells from damage. 

  Pistachios may slow down the aging process.  I'll take the whole bag, please.  Kidding!  Downing the whole bag may make you look younger but you won't be able to fit into your wardrobe.  Portion control, people!  Pistachios contain fat-soluble antioxidants that protect the body from lipid peroxidation. WHOA...big word. Lipid peroxidation is when free radicals "steal" electrons from lipids in your cell membranes (thank you Google for making me look super smart).  Since stealing is never good, you can expect that this results in some damage. However, those antioxidants present in pistachios prevent that whole process from happening. 

1 serving of pistachios = 1 oz (49 kernels)
170 calories
3g fiber
6g protein

There you have it, gamers.  Now go do the 'Pac-Man' and chomp your way to health (in moderation of course).  I think I may have just invented the next dance craze?!  I'll leave you with this little jingle.  Don't worry, I've already written iTunes in hopes this will become available for purchase.  


Getting Into Character...

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With Halloween just around the corner, I'm sure everyone's wheels are spinning on how they can top last years costume.  Of course, part of the whole dressing up process is getting into character.  What kind of person would I be if I didn't share share some insider secrets of the top costume picks for this year?  These tips will hopefully give you the edge on any competition you may have for your costume contest. 
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Going Gaga this year?  As you probably already know, Lady Gaga is known for her creativity.  Jump into character by concentrating on getting adequate omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids into your diet. These suckers play a crucial role in brain function.  Try adding flax seed, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, salmon, tune, eggs, etc. 
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Whether it's Superman or The Situation you're going to need some muscle.  Contrary to popular belief, the rippled look does not mean you have to down an entire cow, pig, or chicken everyday.  Eating more protein does not equal big muscles.  Try a well balanced diet that is a mixture of carbs, fats, & proteins.  Just make sure your carbs aren't from donuts, your fats aren't from deep fried twinkies, & your protein isn't from fried cheese.  I should mention for the desired muscle effect a gym session or 20 may be needed!
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Rapunzel & Pauly D are all about the hair.  WebMD helps crack the case in this battle by providing a list of ammunition needed in order to pull this look off.  Just add salmon, dark green vegetables, beans, nuts, poultry, eggs, whole grains, oysters, low fat dairy products, & carrots into your daily routine & helllllloooo luscious locks. No wig will be needed for this costume.

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Snow White & her flawless skin may be achieved by adding some vitamin A, C, E, & K into your diet. These vitamins can be found in foods like yellow/orange veggies & fruits, milk, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, dried beans, & nuts. 

Happy character morphing!


Nutrition GameDay

     Nutrition Game Day's opening Thursday serves up a tasty treat for fans everywhere starved by a bleak off season of  poor nutritional adequacy.  Today we will see how this fruit is one you'd be crazy not to put in your offensive line. Thanks to youtube's recap of 2011 opening college game day for the clever play on words that just so happened to fit right in with a few minor adjustments, of course!  =)  

Well, if that ball of inspirational words above didn't make you antsy with anticipation of getting out of your nutritional rut, let me try to convince you further! True, Tenile Sheely & football expert are rarely phrases you hear together, but the apple is like your center, guard, & tackle all rolled up into one.  I'd say that is like a coaches dream! Good thing you call the shots when it comes to what you put in your body! So coach, why not pick the Heisman of the fall fruits to join your team?!


A little less talk & a lot more action:
    --l>  Heart: some research has shown that apples help protect against harmful affects of LDL cholesterol. 1 point for the lineman!
    --l>   Digestion: betcha' didn't know that 1 apple gives you about as much fiber as a serving of bran cereal!  I'll spare the details of fiber importance, don't worry!
     --l>  Lungs: an apple a day can help strengthen those bad boys.  No MD credentials behind my name, but I've always thought breathing was a good thing!
     --l>  Bones: boron, a trace element found in apples, has been shown to help strengthen your skeleton. No need for the gym to strengthen your skeleton, just inhale an apple! I kid, I kid...
     --l> Good source of vitamin C which helps your body grow & repair tissue, form collagen, heal wounds, & maintain/repair cartilage, bones, & teeth.
*The above list was taken from the Virgina apple growers association


& for the extra point: Apples are fat free, sodium free, & cholesterol free. PLUS, there are a lot of varieties of apples, about 2,500 in the U.S. to be exact, but who's really counting!? I'm pretty sure that means your taste buds should be able to find at least 1 variety that causes them to put the apple in as a starter & not on the bench.   =)