It started out simply with nothing at stake
coffee & conversation, not considered a date.
Words flowed freely, laughter was contagious
the people around didn't even phase us.
It may be your destiny, but it wasn't just fate
it was all in God's timing & was well worth the wait.
Hand in hand together we'll start
painting our picture, love is the art.
The brushes brand new, the idea is set,
no sketch is needed; the scene is perfect.
The colors are vivid; you're ready to start,
this work in progress involving two hearts.
Meeting more frequent, feelings grew deep
one day just friends, the next swept off our feet.
Nothing can top it, no words can explain
from here on out our lives will never be the same.
The look in her eyes, the touch of his hand
it's not hard to see how she's part of your plan.
It may be your destiny, but it wasn't just fate
it was all in God's timing & was well worth the wait.
Hand in hand together we'll start
painting our picture, love is the art.
The brushes brand new, the idea is set,
no sketch is needed; the scene is perfect.
The colors are vivid; you're ready to start,
this work in progress involving two hearts.
I only wish you two the best
you both deserve all the love and happiness.
Looking at you two it's easy to see,
this is the way love is supposed to be.