Do you eveR think about how you come acRoss to someone new you meet? It's funny to actuaLLy think about. Think about eveRything that can happen in a peRson's Life: biRths, death, job pRomotion, being fiRed, faLLing in Love, having youR heaRt bRoken, getting maRRied, getting divoRced, financial diLemma's, a pay Raise, etc. Now think about how eveRyone usuaLLy puts theiR best foot foRwaRd when meeting someone new. An aveRage human being, couLd quite possibLy be the best actoR in the woRLd. They may quite possibLy be @ the Lowest point in theiR Life, but upon meeting you they have a smiLe, a bubbLy natuRe, & it Looks Like they have it aLL figuRed out, when in aLL actuaLity quite the opposite is tRue. Think of some of the things you have been thRough when a Random peRson suddenLy enteRs youR Life who has no idea about youR past. They may think you aRe the happiest peRson on eaRth. WeiRd...isn't it? Each & eveRy singLe peRson has theiR own stoRy & if you aRe Lucky enough to heaR someone eLse's...cheRish it, foR they feLt you weRe woRthy enough to know. I guess it just goes to show that Life ReaLLy does move foRwaRd, past huRts aRe mended, & eveRyday you gRow into the peRson you aRe ♥
First Impressions
Do you eveR think about how you come acRoss to someone new you meet? It's funny to actuaLLy think about. Think about eveRything that can happen in a peRson's Life: biRths, death, job pRomotion, being fiRed, faLLing in Love, having youR heaRt bRoken, getting maRRied, getting divoRced, financial diLemma's, a pay Raise, etc. Now think about how eveRyone usuaLLy puts theiR best foot foRwaRd when meeting someone new. An aveRage human being, couLd quite possibLy be the best actoR in the woRLd. They may quite possibLy be @ the Lowest point in theiR Life, but upon meeting you they have a smiLe, a bubbLy natuRe, & it Looks Like they have it aLL figuRed out, when in aLL actuaLity quite the opposite is tRue. Think of some of the things you have been thRough when a Random peRson suddenLy enteRs youR Life who has no idea about youR past. They may think you aRe the happiest peRson on eaRth. WeiRd...isn't it? Each & eveRy singLe peRson has theiR own stoRy & if you aRe Lucky enough to heaR someone eLse's...cheRish it, foR they feLt you weRe woRthy enough to know. I guess it just goes to show that Life ReaLLy does move foRwaRd, past huRts aRe mended, & eveRyday you gRow into the peRson you aRe ♥
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