

Fruity Friday #1 Blood Oranges

No, it is not the latest vampire craze people! However, I truly believe Edward Cullen would FLIP over these things. The blood red orange pictured above is you guessed orange that is red (phew, glad we settled that mystery). I bet you are already amazed at the brilliant knowledge coming your way!

The red color of blood oranges are due to flavonoids called anthocyanins (I promise, it's in English).  Typically smaller than a regular orange, these suckers pack quite the punch (we'll get into that in more detail in just a sec). One orange will cost you about 70 calories, 3g fiber, & 1g protein.

So what exactly do these blood oranges contain you may ask? Even if you didn't ask, I'm telling you anyways...
  • Vitamin C --> Needed for growth & repair of tissue, collagen formation, wound healing,  repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones, & teeth. Blood oranges are actually higher than regular oranges in this. Vitamin C, YOU seem like a pretty big deal!
  • Folic Acid --> Is one of the B-vitamins, Vitamin B9, to be exact. Folic acid is important for brain function and plays a role in mental and emotional health. Ever heard of DNA & RNA, you know, what makes up your body's genetic material? Well, you guessed it, folic acid is pretty important in that process as well! Folic acid is especially important when cells and tissues are growing rapidly, i.e. pregnancy! Folic acid for MVP?! I'll let you decide!
  • Anthocyanins --> Say what?! Anthocyanin is a type of flavonoid (this gives fruits & veggies their colors).  Flavonoids act as antioxidants, which help protect us from free radicals. Think of free radicals as like the bullies in school. They travel alone, but can cause some major damage. Move over Superman, there's a new hero in town! Hollywood can go ahead & thank me for their next million dollar major motion picture idea. I like to think of anthocyanins as like the new cool kid on the block - become friends with this guy, he'll get you places!
  • Calcium --> I don't think I have to say much on this one...calcium = good for your bones. He's like the friend that will always be there to "support" you...get it?! Haa
  • Vitamin A --> Helps maintain healthy teeth, skin, & is important for your eyes. We can clearly see who the vain one is in this group!
Now that I've probably given you WAY more information than you ever wanted to know about blood oranges I will leave you with this:  when purchasing a blood orange, you want to choose one that is heavy for it's size. Remember, soft spots should only be in your heart for these succulent suckers, & not on the actual fruit itself! They can be stored @ room temp for ~1 week or in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.  Enjoy!


  1. looks yummy! :) I'll keep a look out for these "red-oranges" and try one out!

  2. Awesome, let me know what you think! :)
