

Urban Legend: Eating After 8

YOU WHAT?! Please say it isn't so!! How could such an intelligent individual like yourself believe such misconception?!

What has that lil' guy all flustered you may be asking?! The fact that American's across the nation are under the impression that eating after 8 pm is comparable to living a real life nightmare. You see, urban legend has it that there is something magical about the #8 & ingesting food past this time will automatically turn everything to fat. Good news...according to that theology, you might as well go ahead & shovel in those 3 doughnuts for breakfast, super size that fast food lunch, & take an extra helping or 5 @ dinner.  Clearly those 10,000 calories you just consumed aren't hindering your six pack, because haaayyy you ate it all by 7:59pm!

People, people,'s what you eat not when you eat that matters.

Yes, evidence does support eating breakfast to get your body going, but overall calories can't tell time! Whether you eat 50,000 calories before or after 8 pm you are pretty much guaranteeing a shopping trip for some bigger pants. True, after inhaling a meal & zonking out on the couch those calories may decide to chill with you as you catch up on the latest 'Jersey Shore' drama. After all, who could blame them for wanting to stick around?! Those too tan hot messes are quite addicting.  Have no fear though, according to Mary Flynn, Ph.D., when you move around the next day your body will dip into its stores.

So what makes you gain weight you ask?! GOOD QUESTION. Lucky for you I happen to have the answer. Weight gain occurs because you eat more calories than you are burning off during the day.
Period. End of Story. Get my drift?! Good!

So all you late night noshers, I'm going to take a wild guess & say that most of the time you aren't grabbing a bag of freshly cut veggies or salivating over the last beet left in your refrigerator. More than likely you're thinking ice-cream, candy, cookies (ooh wait maybe that's just me?!). Anyway , you get the picture! If a bedtime snack is calling your name, make a conscious effort to healthify it up a bit! Calorie content makes a difference!  If only ice cream will do, at least attempt to keep the portion under control. Remember that calories IN should equal calories OUT, and let's face it... Dimples are cutest on a baby. J



The True Story of One Tough Tuber

scandaL.Lies.Deception. ruMors.carbohydrate hate. Mr. Potato has been through it all & is finally able to open up about overcoming gossip & accepting himself as is. In this online exclusive we go inside the life of a potato where glitz & glamour are not part of everyday language & self acceptance is a silent confidant. Take it away Mr. Potato...

"My story starts with words.  You know the saying, "sticks & stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me," haa boy is that not the case! All it took was 3 words (Low Carb Diet) & 1 little rumor (white potatoes are bad for you) & my world came crashing down. I went from spud to dud in no time flat. I had no where to turn & didn't know how to cope. I went through what you could call an identity crisis as I frantically tried to rebuild my reputation. In attempts to spice things up I became addicted to being fried & would go days masking myself in hot oily grease just to find a purpose. I almost forgot how to just be me. My french fry stage was so much fun. I had the love I needed from millions of people, but sadly I felt empty inside. So I turned to my next metamorphosis...the potato chip, & again found love & acceptance, but at what cost?!

Spud Stats:
Potato: 110 calories, 2g fiber, 0mg sodium, 0g fat, 2g protein
Small Fry: 230calories, 3g fiber, 160mg sodium, 11g fat, 3g protein
1 Serving of Potato Chips: 155calories, 1g fiber, 150mg sodium, 11g fat, 2g protein

Look at those numbers! While believing I was having fun, I only came to realize I was fueling my "bad food" rep by actually buying into it with obesity rates continuing to soar. I can only think that I may have added to problem. That was my breaking point. I knew I needed to take control of my life so here I am & I am excited for this next chapter. 

Despite popular belief I am actually good for you! Mmhmm...go ahead reread that line again. Not to toot my own horn, but I am Fat free, cholesterol free, high in potassium & vitamin C, & a good source of vitamin B6 & fiber. All I can say is, I'm sounding goooood!!

 Talk about versatile - I can be eaten at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It's all about preparation.  If rehab taught me anything, microwaving, baking, & grilling are just a few ways that I've improved my self image.   For extra flavor add some fat free/low fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, grilled chicken, or salsa & start a party in your mouth. 

While I'm at it, I would really like to kick that low carb garb for good! Carbs are your body's main source of energy. Translation: carbohydrates = critical. If you give carbs the ax your body breaks down muscle in order to make them. I'll spare you the long details & scary lengthy names, but trust me you need some carbs - just make sure you are choosing wisely!"

Now that you have the facts, enjoy your spud attack!!


Sipping on Grapes

What is it about red wine that can turn a space cadet into a bon-a-fide smarty?! It’s almost like grape consumption via liquid form automatically comes along with an Ivy League degree and a new vocabulary. So bust out your dictionary & spectacles because you're about to get your geek on...
Studies have shown that red wine is considered to be heart healthy. 
 No wonder those who partake in some grape drinking are considered smart, they are helping their heart! Rumor has it that the best known effects of heart health in red wine consumption is the fact that it can increase your HDL cholesterol (that's the good kind) & lower your blood pressure!

  Red wine is fermented with grape skins longer, so there are more antioxidants in red wine.  Technically speaking, red wine has 10 times the polyphenol content than white wine. Polyphenol is a type of antioxidant, and antioxidants protect us from free radicals. You may remember from previous blogs that free radicals can cause damage when they react with important things like our DNA.  I wasn't kidding when I said grab a dictionary! If you like your wine to taste more like grape juice with a kick,  I may have some sad news for you.  The sweeter the wine, the less antioxidant properties you are receiving. So, stick with Cabernet, Petit Syrah, & Pinor noir for an optimal antioxidant punch. 

Refresher Course: Moderate drinking is defined as 2 drinks/day for men & 1 drink/day for women. A drink is defined as 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1 1/2 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits.

When to drink? Although this could be a loaded question J, studies have shown that consuming your grapes at meal times is the most beneficial. It is thought that beneficial ingredients of red wine may counter the effects of fatty foods. This could possibly delay/decrease their absorption into the body.

Doctors are leery in recommending alcohol, if it is not already part of your diet, because over-drinking can cause mega problems. It is not recommended that you start drinking alcohol just to prevent heart disease. If you do already consume a glass now &then, this is just an added bonus. So relax, enjoy, and drink your grapes responsibly!