

Brassica Oleracea: A Disregarded Dominant?

      Where do we begin?
Flashback 200 years and you will be able to see broccoli’s start in the United States. Thank goodness she decided her new stomping grounds were going to be in the U.S. because quite frankly she is quite the catch! I confess, I was never a broccoli lover growing up & would basically force myself to add a stalk or two to a salad, but how times have changed. Broccoli has finally got the attention she deserves as a powerhouse vegetable & I'm almost positive she is tickled pink to make it on my personal favorite veggie list. With summer coming up & Memorial Day just around the corner, broccoli's manager has been working over-time booking all the appearances for the coming season's veggie trays.  Lucky for you reader's, the lovely Ms. Broccoli has agreed to set some time aside for an interview.  Sporting a vibrant green ensemble, the star of this blog was sipping on water as she raved about the excellent 50 degree weather in which she thrives. Not wanting to waste her time, we dove right in:

Palate cross-training (PCT): You have been a staple on veggie trays across the nation for years. Tell us what makes you so special, & how you keep that youthful appearance?!
Broccoli: Well, I think people were initially intrigued by my appearance. My woody stem seemed rough & edgy while my flowery top seemed feminine and flirty. I think I've ensured my spot in the veggie tray world by "blending in" so to say.  My subtle flavor mixed well with the big wigs in the dressing department. I don't mind if they over-power my flavor as we work well together & lean on each other for success. I believe I have to thank vitamin C & vitamin A (beta-carotene) since they are the ones who are responsible for helping me look so good.
PCT: Being a member of the cabbage family automatically put pressure on you to
provide phytochemicals to help eliminate carcinogens. Please enlighten us on what we need to do to reap these benefits?
Broccoli: According to Baylor College of Medicine, research is suggesting you consume 2 servings of cruciferous (this includes myself, bok Choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, etc.) vegetables a day to cut your risk of certain types of cancers. Getting your daily requirement really isn't that hard.  You just have to pick the right foods to eat while I do all the work!
PCT: What other nutritional benefits can we obtain from you?
Broccoli: Not only do I contain vitamin C , beta-carotene, & potassium, I will also provide you with folic acid, fiber, & calcium! I’ve been so blessed to contain all these wonderful components that you humans would be irrational not to take advantage of me!!
PCT: Wait!? You contain calcium!? I thought that only came from dairy!
Broccoli: A cup of broccoli actually contains the same amount of calcium as a cup of milk! If you happen to be one of those people who decided dairy is 'not so much' your thing, I am another way to show your bones some love!!
PCT: Interesting! Who knew I was in the presence of greatness?!  With genes like that you must hang around some pretty stellar friends. If we run into you out on the town who can we most likely see you hanging around?
Broccoli:  I have been known to have a wide circle of friends, but my BFF’s would have to be Ranch & Thousand Island. I will say a lot of times you may find me smothered with melted cheese. One of my new favorite people to hang out with would have to be hummus!
PCT: I know we are almost out of time, but I do have one last question. How can we make sure we are getting the “cream of the crop” so to speak?!
Broccoli: You want to make sure you choose me when I am dark green or purplish in color. Make sure my stalk is firm and not light in color. For the best quality make sure you refrigerate me in your crisper and use within 3-5 days.
PCT: Thanks so much for your time! It was a pleasure to join your world for a bit.
Broccoli: No problem! Thank you so much for letting me share!!

Inquiring Minds Want To Know:   
Name:  My name actually comes from the Italian word "brocco" meaning branch or arm.
Share a secret:  Use my name in 'Scrabble' & you will score 12 points!
How do you deal with negative press?  Not something I've had to deal with much, but President Bush certainly caused some frenzy when he publicly announced his lack of love for me.  I didn't take it personal though, because clearly he is missing out! Broccoli consumption has increased 940% over the last 25 years &amp an average American will consume 4 1/2 pounds a year.

Disclaimer:  Before you worry about my mental health, please note that I didn't actually speak with the broccoli in my refrigerator J

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