

Pac-Man and Pistachios

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Who didn't love playing Pac-Man?! Seriously, I think it was one of the greatest inventions of the 1980's. For those of you who have no earthly idea of what I'm talking about, Pac-Man was a game where you controlled your Pac-Man through a maze of pac-dots trying to avoid enemies and reach the next level. Along the way you could eat power-pellets and fruit to help aid your cause. I'm only slightly bitter I never made it to the 256th level.

Did you see the pictures above?! My hypothesis is that the pistachio was inspiration for the Pac-Man shape. Chomp on pistachios like Pac-Man chomps on pac-dots and you may be advancing to the next level too! Here's how:

Pistachios may help reduce heart disease risk. Thanks to their fiber content, about 3g per serving to be exact, this is just one of the reasons it can help!  You see, fiber helps reduce LDL cholesterol – you know the “bad” cholesterol. 

  Pistachios are antioxidant rich.  This is important to you because it helps protect your cells from damage. 

  Pistachios may slow down the aging process.  I'll take the whole bag, please.  Kidding!  Downing the whole bag may make you look younger but you won't be able to fit into your wardrobe.  Portion control, people!  Pistachios contain fat-soluble antioxidants that protect the body from lipid peroxidation. WHOA...big word. Lipid peroxidation is when free radicals "steal" electrons from lipids in your cell membranes (thank you Google for making me look super smart).  Since stealing is never good, you can expect that this results in some damage. However, those antioxidants present in pistachios prevent that whole process from happening. 

1 serving of pistachios = 1 oz (49 kernels)
170 calories
3g fiber
6g protein

There you have it, gamers.  Now go do the 'Pac-Man' and chomp your way to health (in moderation of course).  I think I may have just invented the next dance craze?!  I'll leave you with this little jingle.  Don't worry, I've already written iTunes in hopes this will become available for purchase.  


Getting Into Character...

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With Halloween just around the corner, I'm sure everyone's wheels are spinning on how they can top last years costume.  Of course, part of the whole dressing up process is getting into character.  What kind of person would I be if I didn't share share some insider secrets of the top costume picks for this year?  These tips will hopefully give you the edge on any competition you may have for your costume contest. 
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Going Gaga this year?  As you probably already know, Lady Gaga is known for her creativity.  Jump into character by concentrating on getting adequate omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids into your diet. These suckers play a crucial role in brain function.  Try adding flax seed, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, salmon, tune, eggs, etc. 
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Whether it's Superman or The Situation you're going to need some muscle.  Contrary to popular belief, the rippled look does not mean you have to down an entire cow, pig, or chicken everyday.  Eating more protein does not equal big muscles.  Try a well balanced diet that is a mixture of carbs, fats, & proteins.  Just make sure your carbs aren't from donuts, your fats aren't from deep fried twinkies, & your protein isn't from fried cheese.  I should mention for the desired muscle effect a gym session or 20 may be needed!
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Rapunzel & Pauly D are all about the hair.  WebMD helps crack the case in this battle by providing a list of ammunition needed in order to pull this look off.  Just add salmon, dark green vegetables, beans, nuts, poultry, eggs, whole grains, oysters, low fat dairy products, & carrots into your daily routine & helllllloooo luscious locks. No wig will be needed for this costume.

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Snow White & her flawless skin may be achieved by adding some vitamin A, C, E, & K into your diet. These vitamins can be found in foods like yellow/orange veggies & fruits, milk, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, dried beans, & nuts. 

Happy character morphing!


Nutrition GameDay

     Nutrition Game Day's opening Thursday serves up a tasty treat for fans everywhere starved by a bleak off season of  poor nutritional adequacy.  Today we will see how this fruit is one you'd be crazy not to put in your offensive line. Thanks to youtube's recap of 2011 opening college game day for the clever play on words that just so happened to fit right in with a few minor adjustments, of course!  =)  

Well, if that ball of inspirational words above didn't make you antsy with anticipation of getting out of your nutritional rut, let me try to convince you further! True, Tenile Sheely & football expert are rarely phrases you hear together, but the apple is like your center, guard, & tackle all rolled up into one.  I'd say that is like a coaches dream! Good thing you call the shots when it comes to what you put in your body! So coach, why not pick the Heisman of the fall fruits to join your team?!


A little less talk & a lot more action:
    --l>  Heart: some research has shown that apples help protect against harmful affects of LDL cholesterol. 1 point for the lineman!
    --l>   Digestion: betcha' didn't know that 1 apple gives you about as much fiber as a serving of bran cereal!  I'll spare the details of fiber importance, don't worry!
     --l>  Lungs: an apple a day can help strengthen those bad boys.  No MD credentials behind my name, but I've always thought breathing was a good thing!
     --l>  Bones: boron, a trace element found in apples, has been shown to help strengthen your skeleton. No need for the gym to strengthen your skeleton, just inhale an apple! I kid, I kid...
     --l> Good source of vitamin C which helps your body grow & repair tissue, form collagen, heal wounds, & maintain/repair cartilage, bones, & teeth.
*The above list was taken from the Virgina apple growers association


& for the extra point: Apples are fat free, sodium free, & cholesterol free. PLUS, there are a lot of varieties of apples, about 2,500 in the U.S. to be exact, but who's really counting!? I'm pretty sure that means your taste buds should be able to find at least 1 variety that causes them to put the apple in as a starter & not on the bench.   =)


Urban Legend: Eating After 8

YOU WHAT?! Please say it isn't so!! How could such an intelligent individual like yourself believe such misconception?!

What has that lil' guy all flustered you may be asking?! The fact that American's across the nation are under the impression that eating after 8 pm is comparable to living a real life nightmare. You see, urban legend has it that there is something magical about the #8 & ingesting food past this time will automatically turn everything to fat. Good news...according to that theology, you might as well go ahead & shovel in those 3 doughnuts for breakfast, super size that fast food lunch, & take an extra helping or 5 @ dinner.  Clearly those 10,000 calories you just consumed aren't hindering your six pack, because haaayyy you ate it all by 7:59pm!

People, people,'s what you eat not when you eat that matters.

Yes, evidence does support eating breakfast to get your body going, but overall calories can't tell time! Whether you eat 50,000 calories before or after 8 pm you are pretty much guaranteeing a shopping trip for some bigger pants. True, after inhaling a meal & zonking out on the couch those calories may decide to chill with you as you catch up on the latest 'Jersey Shore' drama. After all, who could blame them for wanting to stick around?! Those too tan hot messes are quite addicting.  Have no fear though, according to Mary Flynn, Ph.D., when you move around the next day your body will dip into its stores.

So what makes you gain weight you ask?! GOOD QUESTION. Lucky for you I happen to have the answer. Weight gain occurs because you eat more calories than you are burning off during the day.
Period. End of Story. Get my drift?! Good!

So all you late night noshers, I'm going to take a wild guess & say that most of the time you aren't grabbing a bag of freshly cut veggies or salivating over the last beet left in your refrigerator. More than likely you're thinking ice-cream, candy, cookies (ooh wait maybe that's just me?!). Anyway , you get the picture! If a bedtime snack is calling your name, make a conscious effort to healthify it up a bit! Calorie content makes a difference!  If only ice cream will do, at least attempt to keep the portion under control. Remember that calories IN should equal calories OUT, and let's face it... Dimples are cutest on a baby. J



The True Story of One Tough Tuber

scandaL.Lies.Deception. ruMors.carbohydrate hate. Mr. Potato has been through it all & is finally able to open up about overcoming gossip & accepting himself as is. In this online exclusive we go inside the life of a potato where glitz & glamour are not part of everyday language & self acceptance is a silent confidant. Take it away Mr. Potato...

"My story starts with words.  You know the saying, "sticks & stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me," haa boy is that not the case! All it took was 3 words (Low Carb Diet) & 1 little rumor (white potatoes are bad for you) & my world came crashing down. I went from spud to dud in no time flat. I had no where to turn & didn't know how to cope. I went through what you could call an identity crisis as I frantically tried to rebuild my reputation. In attempts to spice things up I became addicted to being fried & would go days masking myself in hot oily grease just to find a purpose. I almost forgot how to just be me. My french fry stage was so much fun. I had the love I needed from millions of people, but sadly I felt empty inside. So I turned to my next metamorphosis...the potato chip, & again found love & acceptance, but at what cost?!

Spud Stats:
Potato: 110 calories, 2g fiber, 0mg sodium, 0g fat, 2g protein
Small Fry: 230calories, 3g fiber, 160mg sodium, 11g fat, 3g protein
1 Serving of Potato Chips: 155calories, 1g fiber, 150mg sodium, 11g fat, 2g protein

Look at those numbers! While believing I was having fun, I only came to realize I was fueling my "bad food" rep by actually buying into it with obesity rates continuing to soar. I can only think that I may have added to problem. That was my breaking point. I knew I needed to take control of my life so here I am & I am excited for this next chapter. 

Despite popular belief I am actually good for you! Mmhmm...go ahead reread that line again. Not to toot my own horn, but I am Fat free, cholesterol free, high in potassium & vitamin C, & a good source of vitamin B6 & fiber. All I can say is, I'm sounding goooood!!

 Talk about versatile - I can be eaten at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It's all about preparation.  If rehab taught me anything, microwaving, baking, & grilling are just a few ways that I've improved my self image.   For extra flavor add some fat free/low fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, grilled chicken, or salsa & start a party in your mouth. 

While I'm at it, I would really like to kick that low carb garb for good! Carbs are your body's main source of energy. Translation: carbohydrates = critical. If you give carbs the ax your body breaks down muscle in order to make them. I'll spare you the long details & scary lengthy names, but trust me you need some carbs - just make sure you are choosing wisely!"

Now that you have the facts, enjoy your spud attack!!


Sipping on Grapes

What is it about red wine that can turn a space cadet into a bon-a-fide smarty?! It’s almost like grape consumption via liquid form automatically comes along with an Ivy League degree and a new vocabulary. So bust out your dictionary & spectacles because you're about to get your geek on...
Studies have shown that red wine is considered to be heart healthy. 
 No wonder those who partake in some grape drinking are considered smart, they are helping their heart! Rumor has it that the best known effects of heart health in red wine consumption is the fact that it can increase your HDL cholesterol (that's the good kind) & lower your blood pressure!

  Red wine is fermented with grape skins longer, so there are more antioxidants in red wine.  Technically speaking, red wine has 10 times the polyphenol content than white wine. Polyphenol is a type of antioxidant, and antioxidants protect us from free radicals. You may remember from previous blogs that free radicals can cause damage when they react with important things like our DNA.  I wasn't kidding when I said grab a dictionary! If you like your wine to taste more like grape juice with a kick,  I may have some sad news for you.  The sweeter the wine, the less antioxidant properties you are receiving. So, stick with Cabernet, Petit Syrah, & Pinor noir for an optimal antioxidant punch. 

Refresher Course: Moderate drinking is defined as 2 drinks/day for men & 1 drink/day for women. A drink is defined as 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1 1/2 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits.

When to drink? Although this could be a loaded question J, studies have shown that consuming your grapes at meal times is the most beneficial. It is thought that beneficial ingredients of red wine may counter the effects of fatty foods. This could possibly delay/decrease their absorption into the body.

Doctors are leery in recommending alcohol, if it is not already part of your diet, because over-drinking can cause mega problems. It is not recommended that you start drinking alcohol just to prevent heart disease. If you do already consume a glass now &then, this is just an added bonus. So relax, enjoy, and drink your grapes responsibly!


Diet Soda & Bigger Pants?

In your humble opinion you have got it goin' on: brains, good looks, good heart, God-fearing, rule abiding citizen. In fact, you are practically one tummy roll away from landing the front cover of 'Men's Health' or 'SHAPE' magazine.  In preparation of your rising star status, you turn to diet soft drinks to help you lose those unwanted lb's (aka pounds). So how could it be possible that your accomplice to all things skinny may actually be sabotaging your big break?! 

BREAKING NEWS: you may have come across shocking accusations that the risk of obesity may be linked with diet soda. I admit, I too was flabbergasted at the thought! I found it hard to wrap my noggin around the fact that a calorie free drink could cause a 'Winnie the Pooh' like appearance. So naturally, the next step was to go all 'Nancy Drew' on these accusations & get to the bottom of this mystery.


Behind door #1 we have wishful thinking.     
     "I'll take 2 triple cheeseburgers with mayo & bacon, a super-size fry, large soda & a cherry turnover to go please. CRAP! It's swimsuit season, REWIND...go ahead & add some lettuce & tomato to my burgers & better make it a diet soda, wouldn't want to overdo it!"

The detective in me is gonna point out that maybe diet beverages are not the problem for your need for bigger pants. If that situation sounds all too familiar for you then maybe practicing healthier food choices is the better route to take. In case you were wondering, french fries don't count as a vegetable serving & your cherry turnover would not make it as a fruit serving.  I know, it's way more fun to put the blame on something else but I am forced to provide you with a little tough love. Just because you choose diet soft drinks does not mean you can eat whatever else you want.

Behind door #2 we have science.
God was no dummy when he created you.  In other words, you may be able to trick your taster, but there is no sweet talking your brain. You see, when you drink a diet beverage your body tastes sweetness & goes looking for calories, but with diet soft drinks there are no calories to be found! The theory is that your body may potentially go looking for those calories in the form of cravings. This may be why some soft drink studies have suggested that soft drinks may stimulate appetite. Studies in rats support this theory. 

Behind door #3 we have practicality.
If your regular soft drink intake is comparable to that of a camel's, switching to diet beverages may be helpful in losing some poundage.  Fingers crossed, you will eventually forgo carbonation for some thirst quenching water.

Please make sure you understand that diet soda doesn't necessarily CAUSE obesity. Those of us with a carbonated beverage crutch are more than likely not over doing it on fruits, veggies, lean meats, & whole grains. What I concluded is that there are still lots of questions that need answers.  Articles also discussed the need for larger control studies.  1-2 glasses a day of diet soft drinks are probably not going to affect you.  Once again, it's all about moderation.  Case closed.


Get Your Ape On...

I am fully aware that apes, monkeys, baboons, etc. might rarely come to mind as an inspirational image to a svelte physique, but  I would encourage you to adapt a part of their diet by adding in a banana to your routine!

I have to admit that after looking up some information on bananas, I felt like I needed to go back to school. Am I the ONLY person who didn't know that a banana does not grow on a tree?! Yeah, I know, my pupils bulged out at the sockets a bit after seeing that tid bit of info. Lucky for me, technicality about banana growth does not come up in my daily conversation with patients very often. WHEW, dodged that bullet. The banana plant is actually the largest perennial herb. The Goliath of herbs to be exact, & a banana is technically a berry. Biggest berry I've ever seen. I sympathize Mr. Banana because I totally know how it feels to tower over your peers!

1. It's fat, cholesterol, & sodium free.  The American Heart Association actually classified bananas as heart healthy when combined with a balanced low-fat diet.
2. It's a good source of vitamin B6. YOU care because that lil' guy helps metabolize amino acids (building blocks of protein), fatty acids (building blocks of fat) , & glycogen (main form of carbohydrate storage in our bodies). Yeah, that one hurt my brain a little too.
3. It has vitamin C. Your immune system will thank you.
4. It has fiber. Hello regular bowel movements.
5. Peer Pressure. It's the most popular fruit. According to Chiquita, an average American eats 27 pounds of bananas a year! Yowzers (don't worry, I refrain from saying that word in public)!

The taste & texture of a banana develops as it ripens.  If your banana is sporting freckles (& by freckles I mean some small brown spots) it's going to be pretty flavorful! Like a firmer banana? Eat prior to the freckling stage.

It's wedding season, go all out & spring for a few pounds of bananas! No, I'm not off my rocker. According to the Hindu culture, bananas are a symbol of fertility & prosperity & because of this fact they leave bananas on the doorsteps of houses where marriages take place.  The ideal gift guaranteed not to be re-gifted or duplicated. Just make sure we aren't going to the same wedding. Walking in with the same gift  =  embarrassing!!


Flavor Face-Off

RELAX! I am not advertising illicit drug usage in any way, shape, or form. I've got boxing on the brain thanks to this week's Bachelorette (please don't judge my love of reality trash t.v.).  Just what you've been waiting for, nutrition death match. Let's meet our contestants:

In corner 1 we have tenacious, traditional table salt.         

 In corner 2 we have the ever present opponent, sassy sea salt.    

One of the toughest things about nutrition is the contradicting information you receive. Sea salt is marketed as the "healthy" version of salt, but what is sea salt exactly & is it actually healthier?! 
Players touch gloves, go to your corners, & come out fighting!!  

Round 1:
The sodium content of table salt & sea salt are the same gram for gram. Sea salt crystals are larger than table salt crystals. You care about this factoid because 1 teaspoon of sea salt contains more air than 1 teaspoon of table salt leaving you with less sodium so to speak. FUN FACT #90,980: if you grind sea salt to the same consistency as table salt your sodium content will be the same! That's like a jab to the jugular to those "sea salt is healthier" claims. Since Americans' tend to be over zealous, more than likely you are dumping the same amount of sea salt onto your food as you would table salt which breaks down to the same sodium content. Round 1 seems to be a draw.  
Round 2:
Taste differences are due to the processing. Sea salt tends to have a more potent flavor which is supposed to mean you will use less (which would decrease your sodium intake), but many people don't as mentioned in round 1. Round 2: draw (unless you measure your ingredients out, then we would give a point to sea salt). This match is turning out to be quite the nail biter!
Round 3:
Sea salt is an evaporation of sea water, there is less processing, & trace minerals are left behind. Table salt comes from underground salt mines, an additive is added to prevent clumping, & it's processing eliminates trace minerals. Iodine is typically added to table salt which is an essential nutrient that prevents thyroid disease.
Round 4:
The closer (I think we are all OK if I don't drag this out 12 rounds). Sea salt & table salt are made up of the same major ingredients: sodium & chloride. This means that one is not necessarily healthier than the other. The difference actually lies in the taste, texture, & processing. Whether your flavor comes in the form of good ol' table salt or up & coming sea salt, just remember to keep sodium consumption to the recommended 1500mg-2300mg a day (recommendations will vary depending on your age & medical conditions). Increased salt intake can contribute to high blood pressure which is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, & other medical complications. Since most foods have enough salt without any addition, save the extra shakes for the dance floor. J


Eye Candy

Bruno Mar's inspiration for 'Just the Way You Are!?' Go ahead; thank your peepers for allowing you to visualize such a beaut. We have an editing program to thank for this little slice of heaven. True story, my title may have tricked you into thinking you were going to see something way more appealing, but don't be mad, just be happy I didn't enlarge the sucker.

I'm starting a revolution. That's right, you read correctly. From now on whenever you hear the term eye candy the following pictures should pop into your brains: almonds, apricots, broccoli, bRusseL spRouts, canteloupe, carrots, cauliflower, eggs, gRapefRuit, mango, oranges, papaya, peppers, raspberries, spinach, sTRawbeRRies, sunflower seeds, peanuts, potatoes, & tomatoes. Yep, eye candy daydreams will now include VIBRANT colors & healthy food cravings. I feel like a nutrition pioneer paving the way for future generations (I hope my sarcasm font is making it's way to your computer screens).

In all seriousness, the above list of foods are quite the treats for your eyeballs. Vitamins A, C, & E are like the Kennedy's of vision...IMPORTANT. Vitamin A helps prevent night blindness, vitamin C may lower the risk of developing cataracts, & vitamin E is thought to help preserve the cells of your eyes from free radicals. Go ahead, treat yourself to some candy...eye candy that is!



Inspired By the Energizer Bunny

Mornings can be rough, so I can see why you would think it's totally rational to grab an energy drink for a 'road runner' like zap. In fact, at just around 120 empty calories you may think it's just the thing you need.

♫♪ Stop, collaborate, & LISTEN!  No real studies have been done for this invention...♫♪ There you have it, my music writing debut. Any rappers in the need of a lyricist?  I've got rhymes you wouldn't believe. No takers?! Shocker.  While recipes may vary from Red Bull to Rockstar, most energy drinks contain the following team members: ginseng, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, vitamins, & sugar. Bottoms up!

     Player # 1 Ginseng.  Reputation: immune system booster. While low doses seem safe, there is little long-term data to really set our minds at ease.
     Player # 2 Taurine. Reputation: amino acid that causes you to be more alert. Guess what?! Taurine is found in meat & fish.  There is also no scientific evidence that supports increased alertness.
     Player # 3 Glucuronolactone. Reputation: naturally occurring chemical produced by the metabolism of glucose in your liver. That's all I got on this bad boy. Go ahead, stick that in your back pocket & dominate in your next 'Words with Friends' game. You're welcome.
     Player # 4 Caffeine. Reputation: stimulant. Sorry to be the cloud in your blue sky, but if energy drinks are your go to for caffeine you may be going down the wrong path. Yes, typically the actual amount of caffeine you are drinking is not listed on your aluminum bottle of power, but coffee may actually be the way to go.  An article from Science-Based Medicine nicely provided this little comparison:
          A grande coffee @ Starbucks has 320mg of caffeine
                          Red Bull has ~150mg
                          Monster Khaos has ~150mg
                          & Rockstar Punched ~160mg.
The amount of caffeine in most 8 oz energy drinks is less than 1 cup of coffee. You my friend, just got served.
     Player # 5 VitaminsReputation: "it has vitamins so it must be good for me." Please don't fall for this scam because the actual vitamin content that is added to these drinks are small. Sorry Charlie, the word vitamin is kinda meant to trick your brain into thinking this is a healthy option. Good thing you weren't born yesterday.  ENTRAPMENT detected & avoided.
     Player # 6 Sugar. Reputation: sweetness. This, my friends, is what sweetens your drink. Betcha didn't see that one coming. Yes, sugar free versions of energy drinks do exist, but those nonsugarfreeenergydrinks can contain similar amounts of sugar as you would see in pop. YIKES!


All you Red Bull & Vodka drinkers, guess what!? The caffeine in the energy drink is dehydrating - which can slow the metabolism of alcohol - which can make you feel less drunk than you actually are - which can cause you to drink larger amounts of alcohol - which can lead to....well just about anything. This is one situation where "the sky is the limit" approach may want to be avoided.

Energy drinks for your workout?  JUST SAY NO! Like I said, the caffeine acts like a diuretic (big word for 'makes you have to go to the bathroom') which promotes dehydration.  Energy drinks do not = sports drinks. They are actually higher in sugar than a sports drink making them harder to absorb during your workout. This could cause an upset stomach . Unless your looking for reason #1,209,809,580 to avoid the gym, skip this as a pre-workout thirst quencher.

Other noteworthy information: It is recommended that no more than 500mL of energy drinks be consumed each day. That boils down to two 8 oz glasses.

Don't worry, I will refrain from going all Jason Taylor on you if I would happen to see you with a sugar laden beverage in tow that promises a power surge that leaves the energizer bunny looking tired.  Like all foods, moderation is key. So go ahead & guzzle down your bottle of energy if that is what makes you happy.  I prefer sugar from chocolate & energy from a nap. J


Going Greek

Does the onset of warm weather have you feeling like him as you think about the crazy diet you need to go on to get beach body ready?! While I'm no miracle worker, I can let you in on a treat that might beat the beach body blues. Hold onto your love handles, because we're going Greek! I would like to introduce a tangy twist to add to your table in the form of Greek yogurt.
Ht: 3"
Wt: 6 0z
Birthday: Who's counting?!
Hometown: Crete Island, Greece
Personal Stats: Compared to traditional yogurt, Greek yogurt is thicker & creamier, higher in protein, & lower in sodium & carbohydrates (fruit versions may provide excess sugar).  The lower carbohydrate content makes it a good choice for those with diabetes.  The dark side?  Greek yogurt goes through the straining process 3 times instead of just 2 (the magic number for regular yogurt) which makes it contain slightly less calcium.  Greek yogurt contains a bit more calories so make sure you choose the non-fat versions to keep your calories & fat intake in check.  Basically, it all boils down to your personal preference as Greek & American yogurts are similar.  Who doesn't love to mix it up a little bit?!

Digestion Suggestions: 
1.  Make sure you stir it up well - it will make for a smoother mouth experience.
2.  Purchase non-fat plain versions & add your faves:  fresh/frozen fruit, nuts, honey, cinnamon, sugar (try to keep it @ 1 teaspoon), etc.
6 0z non-fat plain Greek yogurt
7 medium strawberries - cut up
1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 tablespoon of chopped pecans
1 tablespoon of dark chocolate chips
Drizzle of honey
Mix & indulge.
Nutrition breakdown: ~300 calories, ~18g protein, & ~6g fiber.  That is one meal that will keep you feeling full, but not weighed down!  Move over Rachel Ray, there's a new chef in town!!
* Calories, protein, & fiber are subject to vary


Brassica Oleracea: A Disregarded Dominant?

      Where do we begin?
Flashback 200 years and you will be able to see broccoli’s start in the United States. Thank goodness she decided her new stomping grounds were going to be in the U.S. because quite frankly she is quite the catch! I confess, I was never a broccoli lover growing up & would basically force myself to add a stalk or two to a salad, but how times have changed. Broccoli has finally got the attention she deserves as a powerhouse vegetable & I'm almost positive she is tickled pink to make it on my personal favorite veggie list. With summer coming up & Memorial Day just around the corner, broccoli's manager has been working over-time booking all the appearances for the coming season's veggie trays.  Lucky for you reader's, the lovely Ms. Broccoli has agreed to set some time aside for an interview.  Sporting a vibrant green ensemble, the star of this blog was sipping on water as she raved about the excellent 50 degree weather in which she thrives. Not wanting to waste her time, we dove right in:

Palate cross-training (PCT): You have been a staple on veggie trays across the nation for years. Tell us what makes you so special, & how you keep that youthful appearance?!
Broccoli: Well, I think people were initially intrigued by my appearance. My woody stem seemed rough & edgy while my flowery top seemed feminine and flirty. I think I've ensured my spot in the veggie tray world by "blending in" so to say.  My subtle flavor mixed well with the big wigs in the dressing department. I don't mind if they over-power my flavor as we work well together & lean on each other for success. I believe I have to thank vitamin C & vitamin A (beta-carotene) since they are the ones who are responsible for helping me look so good.
PCT: Being a member of the cabbage family automatically put pressure on you to
provide phytochemicals to help eliminate carcinogens. Please enlighten us on what we need to do to reap these benefits?
Broccoli: According to Baylor College of Medicine, research is suggesting you consume 2 servings of cruciferous (this includes myself, bok Choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, etc.) vegetables a day to cut your risk of certain types of cancers. Getting your daily requirement really isn't that hard.  You just have to pick the right foods to eat while I do all the work!
PCT: What other nutritional benefits can we obtain from you?
Broccoli: Not only do I contain vitamin C , beta-carotene, & potassium, I will also provide you with folic acid, fiber, & calcium! I’ve been so blessed to contain all these wonderful components that you humans would be irrational not to take advantage of me!!
PCT: Wait!? You contain calcium!? I thought that only came from dairy!
Broccoli: A cup of broccoli actually contains the same amount of calcium as a cup of milk! If you happen to be one of those people who decided dairy is 'not so much' your thing, I am another way to show your bones some love!!
PCT: Interesting! Who knew I was in the presence of greatness?!  With genes like that you must hang around some pretty stellar friends. If we run into you out on the town who can we most likely see you hanging around?
Broccoli:  I have been known to have a wide circle of friends, but my BFF’s would have to be Ranch & Thousand Island. I will say a lot of times you may find me smothered with melted cheese. One of my new favorite people to hang out with would have to be hummus!
PCT: I know we are almost out of time, but I do have one last question. How can we make sure we are getting the “cream of the crop” so to speak?!
Broccoli: You want to make sure you choose me when I am dark green or purplish in color. Make sure my stalk is firm and not light in color. For the best quality make sure you refrigerate me in your crisper and use within 3-5 days.
PCT: Thanks so much for your time! It was a pleasure to join your world for a bit.
Broccoli: No problem! Thank you so much for letting me share!!

Inquiring Minds Want To Know:   
Name:  My name actually comes from the Italian word "brocco" meaning branch or arm.
Share a secret:  Use my name in 'Scrabble' & you will score 12 points!
How do you deal with negative press?  Not something I've had to deal with much, but President Bush certainly caused some frenzy when he publicly announced his lack of love for me.  I didn't take it personal though, because clearly he is missing out! Broccoli consumption has increased 940% over the last 25 years &amp an average American will consume 4 1/2 pounds a year.

Disclaimer:  Before you worry about my mental health, please note that I didn't actually speak with the broccoli in my refrigerator J


Sushi Soiree

Fashion trends:  know 'em, love 'em, make 'em your own.  Dining out trends: I'm sorry, do you mean to tell me there's a trendy way to eat out!?  If you haven't noticed, sushi restaurants & bars seem to be more abundant than dimples on a golf ball.  While I'm tickled to death by this fact, some of you may be hesitant in celebrating the greatness of this cuisine.  I realize I can't promise that your dinner party is going to wonder if you were born in Japan by the exquisite use of your chopsticks, but I may be able to enlighten you on a few other things.
First of all, let's squash the rumor that sushi means raw fish.  Hold on because I'm about to get technical.  The term sushi actually refers to the rice.  I know that sentence just posted quite the shock value!  Sashimi is the term for fish.  However, raw or cooked fish can be added to the rice.  They even have vegetable rolls available which in no way, shape, or form contain any raw fish.

Like people, sushi comes in various shapes & sizes...
  • Pictured on your far left is nigiri.  This consists of small rice balls with some type of fish on top.  Your most common toppers are going to be eel, octopus, shrimp, or tuna.  The type of fish you have on top will change the calorie content. An average piece of nigiri will be around 50 calories.    
  • The middle picture is probably the most common way of ordering sushi. This is called norimaki.  It will typically contain sushi rice, seafood of some kind, and nori (fancy word for seaweed).  The above picture contains seaweed on the outside.  If you would rather eat your algae with more discretion, you should probably order uramaki (you're seaweed will be on the inside).  The most popular uramaki are California & rainbow rolls.  Please note that we tend to add other ingredients to this type of roll (i.e. cream cheese, mango, fried crunchy goodness, carrots, mayo, etc).   
  • Feeling risqué?  Order up some sashimi.  This is the least modest version of "sushi" as it is served naked - meaning, you get sliced raw fish.  Sashimi is usually served in 3 oz. portions.
A majority of people tend to think sushi automatically means low calorie since we see a small roll with fish being set before us.  To make sure we are getting the 800+ calories we feel entitled to upon eating out, we tend to order 3+ rolls with no hesitation.  Yes, sushi can be a low calorie meal, but you need to utilize your detective skills when looking at the menu.  
     LeaRning the Lingo -> Before throwing your inhibitions to the wind, make sure you scan the menu for the following words:
     - tempura * This just means battered & deep fried. Tempura can send your calorie intake into the 500+ calorie zone!
     -  crunchy * Basically means small pieces of tempura have made it inside &/or on top of your roll. 
     -  mayo/spicy mayo *  I will just remind you that mayo doesn't have a bad reputation for no reason.  Unnecessary calories will be added.
     Be savvy when it comes to sushi.  Start your meal off with edamame, hot soup, or salad (go ahead, be daring, order your dressing on the side!).  Use ginger, low sodium soy sauce, or wasabi to add some pizazz to your rolls. Wasabi is the green looking paste that can set your mouth on fire.  Before going all Evil Knievel on everyone & downing half of it in one bite, make sure your table is stashed with ample amounts of liquid.  Stealing the drinks of neighboring booths is normally frowned upon.  Don't say I didn't warn you!!
Your sushi experience would not be complete without chopsticks.  Please keep in mind that you probably won't look as cute as she does. 

For those of you who continue to have a seafood complex, have no fear as most sushi restaurants serve the traditional beef, chicken, shrimp, & teriyaki dishes you have grown to love. 


Mint Tea

Meet Allyce. We have been friends since the 7th grade! Impressive?! I think so! Allyce is quite the talented & inspirational writer. In fact, she was actually the one who introduced me to the blogging world years ago...she is like a blogger entrepreneur! You should probably go to  Living By Loving  to check it out for yourself! I swear there is a reason to my rambling! Fun fact about Allyce; she recently revealed her love for MINT ICED-TEA. Her inquiring mind was curious as to what health benefits this love of hers contained. Obviously my duty as a friend is to answer her question, as I'm sure she is having a hard time performing day to day activities without this knowledge. So for all of you mint-iced tea lovers out there, here you go!

Let's talk about the main ingredient in this drink. In case you forgot to pay your brain bill this month...I'm talking about the tea. Tea clocks in right after water when we're talking about world popularity of beverages. Chinese legend has it that tea was invented accidentally by Emperor Shen Nong. One summer day a servant was boiling water for the emperor when dried leaves from a Camellia bush fell in. The pleasing aroma became of interest & the emperor had to try it. I'm gonna bet that this was the reason for the 'Emperor's New Groove' as he was hit by the refreshing yet surprisingly delightful flavor! It's safe to say it was love at first sip, because right then & there he declared tea to give vigor to the body. Back in those days tea was a medicinal beverage only & it wasn't until later that it became normal to drink tea whenever your little ♥ desired.

There are 4 basic types of tea: black, green, oolong, & white. Black tea is like the Kim Kardashian of teas. You know the other members of the family, but Kim is still the most popular. Since I don't want to overload your brain, black is the one we're focusing on today. Black tea is typically what you are consuming when you drink a cup of hot tea, iced-tea, or sweet tea here in the good old US of A.

Black tea comes from tea leaves that were exposed to air, & then the air changes the leaves from green to black. An article on Medline Plus mentions some of the health claims associated with black tea. Let's play a version of "E! News So True/So False." Who knew you were going to have so much fun today?!
     RUMOR # 1: Black tea can heighten alertness, learning, & memory skills - this is so true. Thanks to black tea's caffeine properties.
     RUMOR # 2: Black tea can alleviate headaches - we are so not sure about this, because there is insufficient data to support or reject this claim.
      RUMOR # 3: Black tea can prevent heart disease - this is so maybe? As far as heart attacks go, some evidence supports that those who drink black tea have a lower risk. I guess we'll mark it down as possibly effective?!
     RUMOR # 4: Black tea can help prevent Parkinson's disease - this is so maybe? I don't know about you, but all these gray-area answers are getting a little bit on my nerves! Chalk another up for possibly effective.
     RUMOR # 5: Black tea can prevent cancer - this is so not all the way true. While some women who drink tea (black or green) on a regular basis have a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer, it is not likely that tea will prevent cancer.
     RUMOR # 6: Black tea drinkers can say goodbye to tooth decay - as far as preventing tooth decay is concerned, there is not enough evidence to deny or confirm this claim.
So what I'm really saying is that the ONLY thing we can for sure say about black tea is that it can heighten alertness, memory, and learning skills. Moving on...

Think of the mint in mint iced-tea as a rainbow on a dreary afternoon.  Can you say insta-smile?! Bet you didn't know mint was part of Greek mythology. I believe the story went like this
     Once upon a time there was a lady named Mint who had a lover named Pluto. This information becomes a bit more scandalous when we learn Pluto had a wife, Persephone. For some weird reason (that's sarcasm, in case you were confused) Persephone wasn't too fond of her husband having a girl on the side.  Taking matters into her own hands, Persephone put a spell on Mint & turned her into a lowly plant that others could walk on. Lesson learned, don't get on a girl's bad side if she has magical powers. Unable to reverse the spell, Pluto softened the blow by giving mint a sweet scent that would fragrance the air with a smell whenever someone trampled on her. Aww, how sweet & thoughtful. That Pluto, he totally out-did himself!
Oh, you probably would like to know that traditionally mint has been used to treat indigestion, promote fresh breath, & aid with mental fatigue.

I think it's safe to say that the overall outcome of consuming mint iced-tea may result in an alert, fresh breath, individual that doesn't have to worry about an upset stomach post eating. Sounds like a good deal to me!


Befuddled By Bread

I don't know about you, but I absolutely dread buying bread.  In fact, when bread is on my grocery list (yes, I'm 25 & I make a grocery list) I make sure I'm well prepared!  No joke people, the bread aisle is not to be taken lightly.  I mean there is like an entire wall dedicated to bread alone.  Brain teasers like cracked, fiber, whole-grain, wheat,&  multi-grain, send my ADD  into over-drive.  I often feel like I'm in a real life version of "Where's Waldo?"  I know the right bread is out there, but finding it is tricky!  There has got to be a way to stop this insanity!  Let's start with the basics because that is typically how it goes.  You don't just pick up a basketball & expect to join the NBA, so how do you expect to waltz into the bread isle without any dance lessons?! 

Let me introduce you to the wheat kernel.  This whole grain is like meeting someone new.  There are layers there that don't just come out for anyone.  Let me elaborate...

     * When you first meet someone you pretty much get the basics.  Nothing too deep.  So, I give you Bran.  This is the kernel's outer layer of grain.  You will find your B-vitamins, trace minerals, & fiber here.  More time is being spent together which probably means conversation will go a bit deeper than the weather & what you had for dinner last night.  Meet germ, your kernel's middle layer.  You will still see the B-vitamins & trace minerals you fell in love with, but he reveals to you a little protein in this layer.  Fun surprise!  Before you know it you're beginning to get deep, & out of nowhere you hit the comfortable stage.  You know what I'm talking about. We all have those people we are just ourselves around.  Our filter is off & they know  about everything there is to know about us.  I'd like to introduce you to the endosperm.  This inner part of the kernel contains the protein, carbohydrates, & some vitamins & minerals.  It's the whole part of a person that we come to love.  This is why white bread just doesn't seem to cut it.  White bread is one-dimensional - the rest of it's personality has been stripped away leaving just the endosperm. It's kinda like meeting the most attractive person on earth, & realizing it's more fun to watch paint dry.  I rest my case, white bread you do nothing for me so our relationship has got to end. 

PERK UP!  I know you are devasted about your break-up with white bread, but have I got something for you!  I'd like to introduce you to white whole wheat or whole grain white bread.  This white bread doppleganger is typically made from an albino type of wheat.  White whole wheat flour is just as nutritious as regular whole wheat flour, but just has a milder taste & texture.  Go ahead, crank up Usher's "U Remind Me," as you butter your new love, the one and only white whole wheat flour bread.

Aren't the terms "whole grain" &"fiber" like synonyms or something?  I'm so glad you asked!  Whole grain does not mean fiber.  Whole grain can come from any type of grain: oats, wheat, rice, barley, get the picture.  Depending on the bran, germ, & endosperm content of the kernel, the fiber content will vary.

Time to bust out your glasses people because some reading is required.  You know that tiny fine print under the nutrition label on your colorful plastic bread package?  That's right, I'm asking you to read it. A company has to list its ingredients on the package, it's actually a law.  The first ingredient listed is king...meaning it will be the most prevalent in the product. Understand? Good!  So to make sure you're getting the top quality product you deserve, it's best to look @ the ingredient list - not just the front of the package.  "Whole grain" or "100% whole grain" should be numero uno (that means #1... please take a moment to admire my Spanish) on your list.  Whole grain meaning those talked about earlier: oats, wheat, rice, barley, etc.  Some additional help when gearing up for battle in the bread isle;  wheat flour, unbleached wheat flour,"multi-grain, & enriched are just descriptive ways of saying refined flour.  Those tricksters!!  Besides the ingredient list you might want to take a gander at the nutrition label right above it.  The following tips may help you decipher between the good guy or the imposter.
     1.  Calories - 100 or fewer per slice.
     2.  Fiber - 2g or more per slice.
     3.  Sodium - 225mg or less per slice. 
Whew, I must say this involves some extensive training!  I have confidence in you though, & feel you are equipped & ready.  Whoops, one more thing, in all my exasperation I almost forgot to mention whole grain protects heart health, manages weight, reduces cancer risk, & reduces diabetes risk..  Information noted & loaded...bring  on that bread isle!

-   The helpful information & advise on what to look for upon purchasing was taken from another dietitian @ sparkpeople.


Heart Medicine?

Being a dietitian (consider this bonus knowledge, dietitian is spelled with a T not a C), many people tend to think I eat 10 grapes for breakfast, a handful of carrots for lunch, go crazy on a salad for dinner, & that looking at a potato chip will put me in my grave.  Well, I'm here to tell you I actually eat like a "normal" person, give or take a tofu dish or a meatless burger here & there.  As much as I would love to live up to the standards that you think I do, I don't!  That's right folks, I have to actually make an effort to eat my fruits & vegetables.  So please don't think any less of me when I tell you my favorite food is chocolate.  That being said, I do feel the need to justify the healthy side of my addiction & had to jump at the chance to enlighten you on the awesome benefits of dark chocolate. 

First things first, not all chocolate is equal. Chocolate is made from the cacao bean which is the healthiest form of chocolate there is.  However, cacao beans are extremely bitter so we need to add some stuff in there to make it more palatable.  This is why dark chocolate tends to have more nutritional value because it is closest to the cacao bean with the least amount of additions.  The higher the percentage of cacao the more nutritional benefit you will obtain. This is why  I'm going to spend my time talking about the Mercedes of sweets, dark chocolate or DC for short.  Let's face it, we're BFF's,  he's been there through the good & bad times so a nickname is well deserved.

DC has been linked with cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol, slowing harmful blood clot formation, & regulating blood pressure.  I can now fully appreciate why my mom had to have her heart medicine everyday, & you will too in a matter of minutes....
     1.  Lowering cholesterol:  LDL cholesterol (you know, the bad kind) & coronary disease are friends meaning they are typically linked together. They would be the kind of friends categorized in the "wrong crowd" that your parents would probably not want you to hang out with. You see, when LDL cholesterol is oxidized - WAIT, hold English please.  Oxidized LDL means that the LDL cholesterol reacts with free radicals (remember, the guys that travel alone, but can cause damage) & start causing ruckus.  So basically LDL & the free radical gang are nothing but hoodlums.  Lucky for you, DC & his antioxidant posse swoops in to save the day by stopping the free radical chain before any damage can occur.  I won't judge if as you bite off a square of chocolate you mutter, "LDL & gang your party in my body ends here, bwahaha." 
     2.  Slowing harmful blood clot formation:  when cells build up along the walls of your arteries it can contribute to plaque & blood clots which in turn can cause arterial blockage.  Meet atherosclerosis.  Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty material collects along the walls of your arteries which then thickens, hardens, & could eventually block your arteries. Now that's a sticky situation.  Thanks to the flavonols in DC, a type of flavonoid - which to refresh your memory has antioxidant qualities, blood platelets are less sticky and not able to clot as well. 
     3.    Got high blood pressure?  (also a risk factor for heart disease) Studies have shown that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate daily can reduce blood pressure in those with hypertension. It helps your arteries to relax & widen which promotes good blood flow.  Hmm, too bad I'm gonna guess that their definition of a small bar is not the same as the serving I was hoping.  Bummer.

Oh DC, you seem too good to be true & we know not everyone is perfect, so what is your flaw?  DC happens to be high in fat.  Here's a light at the end of that tunnel though.  The natural fat found in chocolate (called cocoa butter) is high in saturated fat, so many people wrongly assume that it’s not good for you. HOWEVER, most of the saturated fat content in cocoa butter is stearic acid, which multiple studies have shown does not raise blood cholesterol levels. As far as fats go, it’s the added fats that are causing all the problems. So if you are a milk chocolate lover more  added butterfat is found, which sadly to say can raise your blood cholesterol levels.  Milk chocolate has less antioxidants & is lower in other valuable phytochemicals.

The pressure of choosing the right kind of chocolate is in your hands!  Watch it you power hungry people, remember to choose wisely & eat in moderation.  Try to restrain from pickin' that chewy-caramel-marshmallow-nut covered dark chocolate mega-sized candy bar & trick yourself into thinking you're making the right decision.  All that extra crap is going to add fat & calories.  As much as I would love to tell you how much to consume everyday to reap the benefits of what I talked about above, there is actually no established serving size at the moment as more research is needed.  I don't know about you, but I feel empowered!  I can now indulge in my chocolately goodness love affair guilt free, unless of course I down the entire package in one sitting.  Have you had your heart medicine today?